Common Names:- Small-flowered navelwort
Homotypic Synonyms:- Cotyledon parviflora.
Meaning:- Umbilicus (L) Naval, reference to the depession in the leaf surface
where the stem connects to the underside.
Parviflorus (L) Small-flowered.
General description:- Perennials, with tuberous or rhizomatous rootstock.
1) 10-35 cm. erect or ascending. often ftexuous.
1) Basal, 2-5 cm in diam., orbicular, cordate or subpeltate, sinuate or subentire.
1) 4-6 mm, erect or horizontal, obconical, in a dense, usually narrow panicle.
2) Bracts, minute, about equalling the pedicels.
3) Sepals, ½ as long as the corolla.
4) Corolla, yellow, with lanceolate, acute lobes 1½-2 times as long as the tube.
1) Follicles slender.
2) Carpels gradually tapered to a nearly straight style.
Key features:-
1) Flowers 3-6 mm; obconical; lobes of corolla considerably longer than the tube.
2) Carpels gradually tapered to a straight, fairly long style.
Habitat:- Crevices and ledges of limestone cliffs, generally in semi-shade, stone
walls of old buildings and between terraced olive groves. 0-600(-1100) m.
Distribution:- Endemic Crete, S. and W. Aegean and SW. Turkey. Fairly limited
distribution on Crete not common.
Flowering time:- Apr-June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton