Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE/Sect. CHAMAEDRYS

Common Names:- Spreading Germander

Homotypic Synonyms:- None

Meaning:- Teucrium (Gr) A name used by the Greek physician and botanist
Dioscorides, perhaps for the hero and first King of Troy, Teucer.
                  Divaricatum (L) Wide-spreading, straggling.                          
General description:- Very variable, slightly hairy, tufted, perennial with a woody

1) 10-30(-50) cm.

1) (6-)10-25 x (4-)8-15 mm, coriaceous, ovate, rather shallowly crenate.
2) Petiole, shorter than the width of the lamina.

1) Inflorescence, usually lax.
2) Floral leaves, middle and upper small, entire, often purplish.
3) Calyx, c. 8 mm, ciliolate.
4) Corolla, pink or purple, seeming reduced to 1 lower lip, divided into 5 lobes
    (median lobe definitely curved), with a hairy tube conspicuously longer than
     the calyx.
5) Stamens, 4
    a) filaments, purple.
    b) anthers,1

1) Nutlets, smooth or reticulate.

Key features:-
1) Floral leaves, middle and upper small, entire, often purplish.
2) Petiole, shorter than the width of the lamina.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Rocky and stony slopes with open dry shrubby vegetation and open
coniferous woodland. 0-800 (-1500) m.

Distribution:- Fairly widespread in the Aegean area, W & S Anatolia ans W Syria.
Fairly widespread on Crete.

Flowering time:- Apr-June.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton