Common Names:- Red stonecrop
Synonyms:- Aithales rubens, Crassula rubens.
Meaning:- Sedum (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, reference to the plants habit of ''sitting'' on rocks etc.
Rubens (L) Blushed with red, ruddy, blushing.
General description:- Erect annual
1) Simple, 2-15 cm long, rarely branched from the base, glandular-pubescent
especially in upper parts, usually glaucous, reddish.
1) Lower, In whorls of 4,
2) Upper, alternate, 10-20 mm long, linear to ellipic, obtuse or rounded, semi-terete.
1) Inflorescence a bracteate cyme with 2 or 3 branches.
2) Flowers sessile, 5-merous.
3) Petals c. 5 mm, acuminate, keeled, white or sometimes pinkish; midvein red
4) Stamens usually 5.
5) anthers small (c. 0.5 mm), globose.
6) Styles very short.
1) Ripe follicles brown, divergent from the base and suberect in the upper part,
glandular-pubescent, tuberculate.
2) Seeds ovoid, costate, shiny dark brown to black.
Key features:-
1) Stems simple, usually glaucous.
2) Leaves in whorls of 4.
3) Stamens 5.
4) Anthers small (c. 0.5 mm), globose.
Habitat:- Dry exposed habitats, rock crevices, on gravel and bare patches in open
vegetation, 0-800 m, occasionally higher (especially on Crete).
Distribution:- Throughout Greece, common in most areas. Widespread and
common throughout the Mediterranean area, extending to W Europe (N France),
the Canary Islands, and the Near East. Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to May(-June).
Photos by:- Steve Lenton