Native to:
Albania, Algeria, Austria, Baleares, Belgium, Bulgaria, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kriti, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Ukraine, Yugoslavia.
Introduced into:
Baltic States, Belarus, British Columbia, California, Great Britain, Illinois, Indiana, Ireland, Maine, Michigan, New Brunswick, New Jersey, New York, Northwest European R, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Poland, Québec, Tasmania, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia.
Common Names:- White stonecrop
Synonyms:- Leucosedum album, Oreosedum album, Sedum album subsp.
teretifolium, Sedum teretifolium.
Meaning:- Sedum (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, reference to the plants habit of ''sitting'' on rocks etc.
Album (L) Bright, white.
General description:- Low to short, laxly tufted perennial, densely glandular-
pubescent at base.
1) Creeping, woody, bearing short non-flowering shoots and erect flowering stems 5-
18 cm.
1) Alternate, 4-20 mm, subterete but somewhat flattened on upper surface, obtuse,
scarcely spurred, linear-cylindrical to ovoid-globose, usually reddish, patent or
suberect, alternate.
1) 5-merous, shortly stalked, borne in flat-topped, much-branched clusters, rather
dense, bracteate subcorymbose cyme.
2) Sepals united at the base.
3) Petals 2-4 mm, subacute, white (rarely pink).
4) Stamens 10.
1) Follicles whitish-pink, erect.
Key features:-
1) Leaves all alternate, glabrous.
Habitat:- Rocky ridges, rock ledges and screes on various substrates. (0)200-2100
Distribution:- Fairly common in the mountains of mainland Greece and
Peloponnisos. Widespread throughout the Mediterranean. Somewhat limited
distribution on Crete.
Flowering time:- (May-)June-Aug.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton