Common Names:- Sweet scabious
Homotypic Synonyms:-
Meaning:- Scabious (L) Itch, derived from the word scabies, and once used as a
medicinal treatment for the disease.
Atropurpurea (L) Dark-purple coloured.
Maritima (L) Growing by the sea, maritime, of the sea.
General description:- Short to medium, subglabrous or somewhat hirsute
1) 20-60 cm, branched.
1) Lower, oblong-spathulate, entire or lyrate, long-petiolate.
2) Middle and upper, pinnatifid with entire or dentate segments.
1) Capitula, 20-30 mm diam, oblong-ellipsoid in fruit.
2) Involucral bracts, narrowly lanceolate, wider towards base, as long as or shorter
than the florets.
3) Corolla, of marginal florets 12-18 mm, slightly longer than the central florets,
lilac to dark purple.
4) Involucel-tube, hispid or subglabrous.
5) Corona, about as long as the tube, with 8 veins. broadly infundibuliform.
6) Calyx, setae c. 3-5 times as long as the corona, on a long stipe.
1) All with long calyx-setae.
Key features:-
1) Involucel-tube, longitudinally sulcate, but without pits.
2) Corona, with 8 veins. broadly infundibuliform.
3) Ribs of involucel-tube becoming wider and confluent at the margin.
4) All fruits in capitulum with long calyx-setae.
Habitat:- Dry grassland, field margins, roadsides, open scrub, olive groves. 0-1300
Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean. Widespread
and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- April to mid July.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton & Enda McMullen