Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE

Common Names:- Satureja

Homotypic Synonyms:- Clinopodium thymbra, Micromeria thymbra.

Meaning:- Satureja (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny for a culinary herb, from the Arabic, sattur, meaning savory. 
                  Thymbra (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, for a savoury, thyme-like plant.              
General description:- An aromatic, thyme-like dwarf shrub, much-branched and
grey with hairs.

1) To 35 cm tall.

1) 9-14 mm, linear to narrowly obovate, acute, scabrid, gland-dotted.

1) Verticillasters, many-flowered, dense, subglobose, distinctly separated;
2) Floral leaves, equalling verticillasters.
3) Bracts, equalling the verticillasters;
    a) bracteoles, conspicuous, acuminate, ± equalling the calyx.
4) Calyx, 4-7 mm, with long, patent, white hairs, regular, pilose;
    a) teeth, acute or acuminate. slightly shorter than the tube.
5) Corolla, 8-12 mm, usually rose-pink.

1) Achenes, 4.

Key features:-
1) Calyx-teeth, acute or acuminate.
2) Bracteoles conspicuous, acuminate, ± equalling the calyx

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- A common constituent of open dry shrubby vegetation, sometimes in
open woodland and olive groves. 0-1900.

Distribution:- Sardinia, Balkans, Crete and the E Mediterranean, including Cyprus.
Widespread and common on Crete.

Flowering time:- Apr-June and occasionally at other times

Photos by:- Steve Lenton