Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Clinopodium spinosum.
Meaning:- Satureja (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny for a culinary herb, from the Arabic, sattur, meaning savory.
Spinosa (L) Spiny, with spines.
General description:- Much-branched, cushion-like, minutely hairy dwarf shrub
1) 6-15(-30) cm tall, with a stout tortuous stock, twigs usually white-pubescent,
becoming spinose after flowering.
1) 4-10 x 1.5-3 mm, narrowly obovate, acute, thick and rigid, scabrid-pubescent.
1) Verticillasters, few, crowded, usually 2-flowered.
2) Floral leaves, 2-4 mm, thick.
3) Bracts shorter than or about as long as the verticillasters.
4) Calyx, 2.5-4 mm, nearly actinomorphic;
a) lower teeth, slightly longer than the upper.
5) Corolla, 5-8 mm, white or pale lilac.
Key features:-
1) Dense, rigid, pulvinate shrublet, twigs, usually white-pubescent, becoming spiny.
Habitat:- Dry, open, rocky and stony mountain slopes rock ledges, screes, mainly
on limestone. (800-)1700-2400 m.
Distribution:- Endemic Crete, Samos, SW. Anatolia. On Crete found only in the
Lefka Ori, Psiloritis and the Dikti massifs above 1200 m.
Flowering time:- Late June to Aug.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton