Common Names:- Perennial glasswort
Synonyms:- Salicornia perennis.
Meaning:- Sarcocornia (L) Fleshy-horned (reference to the fleshy leaves).
Perennis (L) Continuing, perennial, throughout the year.
General description:- Shrub or perennial herb.
a) creeping rooting at the nodes and forming mats.
b) short, erect, sterile or flowering stems 100-500 x 3-5 mm.
c) dull to shiny green, often yellow or reddish-brown with age.
a) 1-2 mm.
b) with scarious margins.
1) Inflorescence:
a) 1-6 cm.
b) tapering in flower, cylindrical in fruit.
2) Perianth segments:
a) truncate, c. 2 mm.
1) Seed:
a) brown, with minute curved or uncinate hairs
Key features:-
1) Main stems often dull to shiny green turning yellow or reddish-brown, prostrate,
rooting at the nodes.
2) Seeds with minute curved or uncinate hairs.
Habitat:- Wet sand, salines near the coast, inundated depressions and flats, river
mouths, near harbours, at sea level.
Distribution:- Widespread along Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal shores. Rare
with limited distribution around the coastal areas of Crete.
Flowering time:- Late July-Aug
Photos by:- A N Other