Common Names:- Wild clary
Homotypic Synonyms:- Gallitrichum verbenacum, Horminum verbenacum,
Larnastyra verbenaca, Salvia linnaei subsp. verbenaca, Sclarea verbenaca.
Meaning:- Salvia (L) Healer, the old Latin name for sage with medicinal
Verbenaca (L) Verain-like, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny.
General description:- A very variable short to tall perennial.
1) 10-80 cm, erect, simple or branched, eglandular-pubescent below, and more
or less glandular above.
1) Most leaves in a basal rosette, often appressed to the ground, ± pinnatifid and
crenate, green on both sides.
1) Verticillasters, 4-8-flowered, usually distant below and aggregated above.
2) Floral leaves, somewhat shorter than the calyx, greenish.
3) Calyx, campanulate, 5-7 mm at anthesis, glandular- and eglandular-pubescent;
a) upper lip, with 3 short teeth.
4) Corolla, 8-14 mm, lilac-purple;
a) upper lip, slightly curved.
1) Achenes, 4 brown or blackish.
Key features:-
1) Stems eglandular below.
2) Leaves ± pinnatifid.
3) Corolla 6-10(-15) mm.
Habitat:- Seasonally damp spots in open dry shrubby vegetation, olive groves,
orchards, field margins and trampled ruderal habitats. 0-900(-1700) m.
Distribution:- Widespread in the Mediterranean region and SW Asia. Widespread
and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mar to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton