Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Pisum (L) Pea.
Sativum (L) Planted, cultivated, not wild, sown.
General description:- A very variable medium to tall, clambering, hairless annual.
1) To 2 m, terete, not winged.
1) Leaflets, 1-3 pairs, smaller than the stipules, elliptical, rhachis terminating in a
branched tendril.
2) Stipules, very large, broadly ovate, ± cordate at the base.
1) In axillary 1-3-flowered racemes, longer than the leaves.
2) Calyx teeth, large and ± leaf-like.
3) Corolla, 20-25 mm, with a lilac-purple standard and dark maroon wings.
1) Legume, 60-80 x 10-14 mm, oblong to broadly linear, faintly reticulate-veined.
2) Seeds, c. 10, spherical, densely papillose.
Habitat:- Bushy places, dry open shrubby vegetation, cultivated, fallow and waste
ground. 0-400(-1200) m.
Distribution:- Native to the E Mediterranean area and SW Asia. Rare on Crete
known from only a few scattered locations. Domesticated since Neolithic times and
now a major food crop
Flowering time:- Mar-Apr
Photos by:- Steve Lenton