Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Phlomis ferruginea var. cretica.
Meaning:- Phlomis (Gr) Flame, (the hairy leaves were used as lamp wicks).
Cretica (L) From Crete, Cretan.
General description:- Grey-felted evergreen shrub.
1) Up to 45cm, spreading to erect, stellate-lanate with glandular or clavate hairs.
1) Lower, 3-8 cm, lanceolate, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, cuneate, truncate or
rounded at the base, crenulate, coriaceous, stellate-tomentose above, white-
stellate-lanate beneath.
2) Petiole, up to 4 cm.
1) Floral leaves, petiolate, lanceolate acute or acuminate.
2) Verticillasters, 14- to 30-flowered.
3) Bracteoles, 12-19 mm, linear to narrowly lanceolate, straight at the apex,
stellate-tomentose and ciliate.
4) Calyx, 13-19 mm, stellate-lanate with glandular hairs;
a) teeth, 1-5 mm, subulate, straight at the apex.
5) Corolla, 25-27 mm, yellow.
1) Nutlets, glabrous.
Key features:-
1) Bracteoles, subulate, linear or narrowly lanceolate.
2) Stem, with glandular or clavate hairs.
Habitat:- Dry, rocky slopes with open dry shrubby vegetation and open woodland
generally over limestone, fallow terraces, olive groves. 0-800(-1400) m. Fl. Late Mar
to early June.
Distribution:- Endemic Crete, S. Greece, Rhodes & SW. Anatolia. Widespread
and common but mainly in C. and W. Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton