Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE/Sect. MAJORANA

Common Names:- White marjoram, Pot marjoram.

Homotypic Synonyms:- Majorana onites, Origanum album.

Meaning:- Origanum (Gr) Joy-of-the mountain. A name used by the Greek
philosopher Theophrastus for an aromatic herb.
                  Onites (Gr) Of asses.
General description:- Dwarf shrub.

1) Up to 60 cm, erect, densely papillose and hirsute.

1) 5-22 x 4-12(-17) mm, ovate to orbicular-ovate, rounded or cordate at the base,
    acute or shortly acuminate, entire or remotely serrate, papillose and villous,
    glandular-punctate, with the veins somewhat raised on lower surface.
2) Lower, petiolate, the others sessile.

1) Spicules, 4-10 mm, ovoid, oblong or prismatic, very compact, forming a terminal,
    dense corymb 2-8(-10) cm in diam,.
2) Bracts, 3-3·5 mm, slightly exceeding the calyx;
    a) lower, ovate, acute.
    b) upper, orbicular-ovate, obtuse, puberulent.
3) Calyx, 2·75-3 mm, 1-lipped, with a deep slit on one side, ovate-spathulate, entire
    or minutely 3-dentate, subglabrous, glandular-punctate, ciliate.
4) Corolla, 4-5·5 mm, white.

1) Nutlets, c. 1 mm, oblong-ellipsoid.

Key features:-
1) Calyx, with 5 equal teeth; 1-lipped, with a deep slit on one side.
2) Stems, papillose and hirsute.
3) Spicules, in dense terminal corymbs.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Open dry shrubby vegetation on dry, rocky slopes, mainly of hard
limestone. 0-500(-800) m.

Distribution:- Restricted to the Aegean area, including W & S Anatolia. On Crete
more common in the central north extending to the far east.

Flowering time:- Late Apr to early July.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton