Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE/Sect. MENTHA/M. SPICATA Group

Common Names:- Horse mint

Homotypic Synonyms:- Mentha spicata var. longifolia, Mentha spicata subsp.

Meaning:- Mentha (Gr) A name used by Pliny for mint.
                  Longifolia (L) with long leaves.
General description:- Rhizomatous perennial with musty or pungent scent..

1) 40-120 cm., white- or grey-villous, sometimes sparsely hairy.

1) Sessile, usually 3-9 cm, broadly lanceolate to oblong-elliptical, acute, sharply
    serrate, greenish above, grey-tomentose beneath with simple hairs only.
2) Floral leaves, much smaller than the cauline.

1) Verticillasters, many, usually congested, forming a terminal, usually branched
    spike 40-100 x (9-)10-15 mm.
2) Calyx, (1-)1·5-3 mm, narrowly campanulate, pubescent, teeth subequal.
3) Pedicels, hairy.
4) Corolla, lilac or white.
5) Fertile anthers, 0·28-0·38 mm.

1) Nutlets, 0·54-0·79 mm.

Key features:-
1) Leaves, (30-)50-90(-110) mm, branched hairs absent, or if present usually few
    beneath; widest near the middle.
2) Hairs, all simple.
3) Fertile anthers, 0·28-0·38 mm.

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Habitat:- Damp habitats, streams, ditches, cultivated and waste land.  0-1200 m.

Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. A widespread Euro-Siberian species,
naturalised elsewhere. Limited occurrence on Crete, mainly in the west, sporadic

Flowering time:- Apr-Sept.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton