Common Names:- Lemon balm
Homotypic Synonyms:- Faucibarba officinalis, Mutelia officinalis, Thymus
Meaning:- Melissa (Gr) Honeybee. Named after the mythological nymph who kept
Officinalis (L) Official medicine.
General description:- Perennial herbs. Lemon-scented.
1) 20-90 cm, erect, branched, shortly glandular-puberulent, and with sparse or
dense, long, patent, eglandular hairs, or glabrescent.
1) 2-9 x 1·5-7 cm, glabrescent, or sparsely hairy above, glandular-puberulent and
more or less sparsely hairy beneath.
2) Upper cauline, and floral leaves, at least more or less cuneate at the base.
1) Verticillasters, 4- to 12-flowered.
2) Bracteoles, 2-5 mm, ovate to linear, entire.
3) Calyx, 7-9 mm, with long, patent, eglandular and short glandular hairs.
a) teeth of lower lip lanceolate-triangular.
4) Corolla, 8-15 mm, pale yellow, becoming white or pinkish.
1) Nutlets, 1·5-2 mm.
Habitat:- Damp Scrub, streambanks, gorges, olive groves and ruderal habitats. 0-
1200 m.
Distribution:- Widespread in the Mediterranean area and SW Asia. fairly
widespread across Crete, but not too common. Introduced.
Flowering time:- Apr-July.
Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis