Common Names:- Sea stock
Homotypic Synonyms:- Cheiranthus sinuatus, Hesperis sinuata.
Meaning:- Matthiola (L) For Pierandrea Mattioli (1501-77), Italian physician and
Sinuata (L) With a wavy margin, sinuate, winding, waved.
General description:- Densely white-tomentose, stout biennial (rarely annual or
perennial), woody at the base.
1) 20-50 cm tall, usually white-tomentose throughout.
1) Basal, oblanceolate in outline, sinuate-lobed to pinnatifid.
2) Uppermost leaves entire.
1) Lower pedicels 4-15(-18) mm in fruit.
2) Sepals 8-12 mm.
3) Petals 17-25 x 3-8 mm, pale purple.
4) stigma narrower than the siliqua, without conspicuous horns.
1) Siliquae, erecto-patent, 70-100 x 3-4 mm, compressed, tomentose,
conspicuous yellow or blackish glands, slightly bilobed at the apex but without
with conspicuous homs.
Key features:-
1) Siliqua, compressed, at least 2 mm wide, without horns or with horns not more
than 1·5 mm. With large, conspicuous blackish or yellowish glands, easily
visible even when immature.
2) Lower pedicels, up to 25 mm in fruit.
Habitat:- Generally on rocky and stony shores, more rarely in open dry shrubby
vegetation some distance inland. 0-100(-500) m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece less common in the north. - W Europe and the
Mediterranean region eastwards to W Anatolia and Cyrenaica. On Crete scattered
around a few coastal areas.
Flowering time:- Mar to mid-June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton