Family and Genus:- See- MALVACEAE/Sect. MALVA

Common Names:- Common mallow

Homotypic Synonyms:- Malva erecta, Malva mauritiana.

Meaning:- Malva (L) Soft.
                  Sylvestris (L) Wild, of woods or forests.
General description:- Biennial or perennial, with simple and stellate hairs.

1) 30-90 cm tall, sparsely pilose with simple, tubercle-based hairs.

1) very variable in size, reniform to suborbicular-cordate, more or less palmatifid,
    with 3-7 semicircular to oblong, crenate lobes.

1) In irregular clusters in the leaf axils.
2) Pedicels, rather long and slender.
3) Epicalyx segments, 3, free, ovate-lanceolate.
4) Sepals, broadly triangular.
5) Petals, 15-30 mm, at least 3 times as long as the calyx, pinkish-mauve with
    darker veins.

1) Mericarps, glabrous or pubescent, strongly reticulate, dorsal face flat, angles
    sharp, but not winged.

Key features:-
1) Mericaips, reticulate-rugose on the dorsal face, usually short-pilose.
2) Lower flowers 2 or more in each leaf-axil
3) Petals, 15-30 mm, at least 3 times as long as the calyx, pinkish-mauve with
    darker veins. .
4) Lower surface of the sepals with numerous small, stellate hairs.

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Habitat:- Meadows, scrub, roadsides, fallow fields, coastal habitats. 0-800(-1500)

Distribution:- Common throughout Greece. - A widespread Euro-Siberian species
Widespread and common on Crete.

Flowering time:- Apr-July, sometimes later.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton