Common Names:- Small-flowered mallow, Least mallow.
Homotypic Synonyms: Althaea parviflora, Malva rotundifolia subsp.
Meaning:- Malva (L) Soft.
Parviflora (L) Small-flowered.
General description:- Short to medium, hairy or hairless annual.
1) 20-50 cm, erect, with ascending branches.
1) Long-petiolate; blade, suborbicular to reniform, cordate at the base, shallowly
3-5(-7)-lobed, crenate.
1) In small clusters of (l-)2-4 in the leaf axils, pedicels, up to 10 mm.
2) Epicalyx segments, narrowly lanceolate.
3) Calyx, accrescent and ± scarious in fruit, with very broadly triangular sepals.
4) Sepals, orbicular-deltate, with short cilia or none, strongly accrescent, patent
and scarious in fruit.
5) Petals, 4-5 mm, equalling or slightly exceeding the calyx, pale mauve, glabrous.
6) Staminal tube, subglabrous.
1) Mericarps, with sharp, narrowly winged edges, transversely reticulate-rugose and
pubescent on dorsal face, with strong radiating veins on lateral faces; adjacent
margins of mericarps appearing shallowly toothed when seen from above.
Key features:-
1) Calyx, strongly accrescent and ± scarious in fruit.
2) Mericarps, with sharp, narrowly winged edges.
Habitat:- Coastal flats, seasonally damp, nitrified spots in olive groves, ruderal
habitats, along tracks, etc. 0-400(-800) m.
Distribution:- Coastal areas of W Greece. Widespread throughout the
Mediterranean region and SW Asia to Afghanistan. On Crete mainly around the
coastal areas.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton