Common Names:- Southern mallow
Homotypic Synonyms:- Althaea nicaeensis
Meaning:- Malva (L) Soft.
Nicaeensis (L) Either from Nice SE. France or Nicaea, Bithynia, NW.
General description:- Robust herbaceous plant,
1) To 40 cm, erect or ascending, pubescent.
1) Alternate, very variable in size, semicircular in outline, scarcely cordate, more or
less palmatifid, with 3-7 semicircular to oblong lobes, crenate.
2) Petiole, longer than the blade.
1) Epicalyx-segments, oblong-lanceolate to elliptical.
2) Sepals, usually glabrous beneath, or with a few stellate hairs.
3) Petals, 10-12 mm, bright purple or pink, without darker veins, glabrous or nearly
1) Mericarps, glabrous or pubescent, strongly reticulate, dorsal face flat, angles
sharp, but not winged.
Key features:-
1) Lower flowers, 2 or more in each leaf-axil.
2) Dorsal face of ripe mericarps, distinctly reticulate.
3) Petals, 10-12 mm, not more than 2·5 times as long as the sepals, usually bright
purple or pink.
4) Lower surface of the sepals with few stellate hairs or none.
Habitat:- Coastal habitats, roadsides, field margins and wasteground. 0-800 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. - Widespread in the Mediterranean
region and SW to C Asia. Sparingly scattered across Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to June, occasionally later in wet habitats.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton