Family and Genus:- See- MALVACEAE/Sect. MALVA

Common Names:- Dwarf mallow

Homotypic Synonyms:- Malva rotundifolia var. crispa.

Meaning:- Malva (L) Soft.
                  Neglecta (L) Overlooked, disregarded, neglected.
General description:- An erect, rather delicate-looking, short to medium annual.

1) 16-60 cm, ascending or decumbent, sparsely and rather shortly setose.

1) Alternate, long-petiolate, reniform to orbicular-cordate, with 5-7 crenate-dentate

1) In clusters of 3-6, along the stem, fruiting pedicels mostly more than 10 mm.
2) Epicalyx-segments, usually 3, linear to ovate-oblong, shorter than the sepals.
3) Sepals. broadly triangular.
4) Petals, 9-13 mm, at least twice as long as the sepals, pale lilac to whitish,
    a) bearded, staminal tube pubescent.

Key features:-
1) Lower flowers, in groups in each leaf-axil.
2) Dorsal face of ripe mericarps, smooth, or only faintly ridged.
3) Petals, at least twice as long as the sepals.
4) Calyx, not accrescent.

1) Mericarps pubescent, scarcely ridged; dorsal face rounded, only faintly netted.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Seasonally wet habitats in gorges, field margins and waste-ground. 0-600
(-1000) m.

Distribution:- Scattered in mainland Greece, Peloponnisos and Ionian Islands. A
widespread weed, probably native to S Europe. Very rare on Crete currently know
from only two locations.

Flowering time:- May-July.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton
Probably under recored own to it's simularity to Malva parviflora