Common Names:- Aegaean stock
Homotypic Synonyms:- Cheiranthus chius, Hesperis chia, Wilckia chia.
Meaning:- Malcolmia (L) For William Malcolm, eighteenth-century English
Chia (L) For the Greek island of Chios.
General description:- Low to short, hairy annual, usually erect and much-
1) Up to 20 cm, with bi- to quadrifid hairs. Often purplish.
1) Ovate-oblong.
2) Basal, cuneate, entire or dentate.
1) Inflorescence, ebracteate.
2) Petals, 6-10 x 1·5-2(-2·5) mm, pale pink to violet.
3) Sepals, with bifid hairs.
4) Pedicels, 4-10 mm in fruit.
5) Stigma, 0·5-1·5 mm.
6) Stamens, 6.
1) Siliqua 25-70 x c. 1 mm, erecto-patent.
Key features:-
1) Petals, entirely pink or violet;
2) Siliqua, (25-)30-70 mm, patent or erecto-patent.
Habitat:- Rock and gravelly shores, gorges, screes, rocky slopes with open dry
shrubby vegetation, generally on limestone. 0-700(-1500) m.
Distribution:- E Mediterranean region eastwards to Cyprus, Syria and Palestine
Fairly widespread on Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to mid-May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton