Common Names:- Etruscan honeysuckle
Synonyms:- Caprifolium dimorphum, Caprifolium etruscum, Lonicera
Meaning:- Lonicera (L) For Adam Lonitzer (1528-86) German physician and
Etrusca (L) From Tuscany, the area of the Etruscans.
General description:- Climbing, deciduous sometimes more, or scrambling over
the ground.
a) up to 5m.
b) twining.
a) 3-8 x 1·5-5 cm.
b) opposite, simple.
c) broadly elliptical or obovate, obtuse or subacute at apex.
d) covered with a waxy bloom (glaucous) or whitish-green and usually minutely
covered with soft hairs (puberulent) beneath.
e) upper pair united at the base (connate), the next stalkless (sessile) or short-
stalked (petiolate).
a) from 35-45 mm long.
b) bilaterally symmetrical.
c) joined together by 6-20 in stalked terminal clusters.
d) yellow to whitish with purple marks, very fragrant.
1) Corolla:
a) 2 liped, upper, narrow tubed, lengthened at the base, without hairs.
b) upper lip with 4 lobes.
2) Calyx:
a) very short.
b) teeth a little acute in their upper part.
1) Berries:
a) 8-10 mm.
b) red when ripe.
key features:-
1) At least the first pair of leaves below the inflorescence connate.
2) Flower-heads pedunculate.
Habitat:- Open shrubby vegetaion, scrub, open woodland, hedgerows, banks and
roadside thickets. 0-900(-1600),
Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean region and
Anatolia. Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Apr-July.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton