Common Names:- None
Synonyms:- Lithospermum hispidulum
Meaning:- Lithodora (Gr) Stone-skinned.
Hispidula (L) Slightly bristly.
General description:- Dense, rigid, somewhat scruffy and shy-flowering shrublet
a) up to 1 m tall.
b) branches, short, stiff.
c) whitish-with close lying minute bristles (appressed-setulose).
1) Lamina:
a) up to 15(-20) x 4·5 mm (usually smaller).
b) oblong-obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse or acute.
c) leathery (coriaceous).
d) dark green.
e) appressed-setulose and with spreading stiff bristly hairs or rough with tubercles
above, strongly whitish-appressed-setulose beneath.
f) margin. flat or more or less inflexed.
1) Cymes:
a) 1- to 4-flowered.
2) Calyx:
a) c. 7 mm.
b) lobes appressed-setose.
1) Corolla:
a) bluish-violet.
b) glabrous outside
c) tube, c. 12 mm.
d) limb c. 10 mm diam, with short, rounded lobes.
e)anthers 2 mm.
1) Nutlets:
a) ovoid-obtusely 3-angled (trigonous).
b) white.
c) with small, wart-like projections (minutely tuberculate).
Key features:-
1) Corolla glabrous outside.
2) Leaves up to 15(-20) x 4·5 mm, oblong-ovate to oblanceolate with a flat or slightly
inflexed. margin;
3) Calyx setose, c. ½ as long as corolla-tube.
Habitat:- Rock crevices and rocky banks, generally in garrigue, pine woodland.
0-1200 m.
Distribution:- Endemic W. Crete, E.Aegean Islands& W. Turkey. Limited
distribution on Crete mainly in the south west.
Flowering time:- Feb-June.
Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis