Including Subsp. garganicum, differing in the following characteristics
Stems usually >30 cm; leaf blade 3.55 cm, ovate-cordate; verticillasters with 10 or
more flowers.
The subspecies are scarcely separated geographically,

Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Lamium striatum.

Meaning:- Lamium (Gr) Gullet (reference to the gaping mouth of the corolla).
                  Garganicum (L) From Monte Gargano, S Italy.
                  Striatum (L) Ridged, striped.
General description:- Short to medium spreading, rhizomatous perennial.

1) Up to 50 cm, densely hairy.

1) 15-70 x 10-40 mm, cordate-ovate to reniform, margins crenate to crenate-serrate,

1) Verticillasters, 2-4(-6), usually remote.
2) Calyx, 7·5-18 mm, the teeth shorter than or rarely about as long as the tube.
3) Corolla, 25-40 mm, pink to purple, rarely white, abruptly expanded and usually
    striate above.
    a) tube, 15-25 mm, straight, much longer than the calyx.
    b) upper lip, 10-15 mm, 2-fid or irregularly toothed, pubescent.
    c) lower lip, 10-15 mm, obcordate.
    d) lateral lobes, short, triangular.
7) Anthers, pubescent.

1) Nutlets, obtusely trigonous, truncate at the apex.

Key features:-
1) Corolla, (22-)25-40 mm; tube straight.
2) Lower leaves, crenate or variously toothed.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Seasonally damp rocky habitats and open scrub. (0-)200-1600 m.

Distribution:- Throughout Greece. - C & E Mediterranean region and SW Asia.
Limited occurrence on Crete, known only from the areas of the three main massifs

Flowering time:- Apr-July.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton