Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE

Common Names:- Henbit deadnettle

Homotypic Synonyms:- Neckeria amplexicaulis, Galeobdolon amplexicaule
Lamiella amplexicaulis, Lamiopsis amplexicaulis, Pollichia amplexicaulis.

Meaning:- Lamium (Gr) Gullet (reference to the gaping mouth of the corolla).
                  Amplexicaule (Gr) Embracing the stem (the base of the leaf).

General description:- Low to short, scarcely branched, hairy annual.

1) Decumbent to erect, sparingly branched at the base, usually 5~30 cm; whole
    plant sparsely pubescent.

1) Basal, small, petiolate.
2) Cauline, in 1-3 pairs, larger, short-petiolate or subsessile, blade orbicular-
    reniform, incised-crenate.
3) Floral, similar to the upper cauline leaves, amplexicaul, subtending the

1) Verticillasters, 2-5, usually remote, 4-10-flowered.
2) Bracts, lacking.
3) Calyx, 4~7 mm, tubular, teeth almost equalling the tube, erect in fruit.
4) Corolla, 15-20 mm,
    a) tube straight, long and slender, much exceeding the calyx, whitish or purplish.
    b) lateral lobes obsolete.
    c) limb reddish-purple.
    d) upper lip, pilose.
5) Smaller, cleistogamous flowers often present.

1) Achenes, 4, 3-angled and smooth.

Key features:-
1) Calyx. 5-7 mm, the teeth not longer than the tube.
2) Corolla, lower lip, 1·5-2·5 mm.
3) Bracts, ± amplexicaul, usually wider than long.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Coastal habitats, cultivated and fallow fields, olive groves, wasteground. 0-
1100 m. occasionally to 2000 m.

Distribution:- Widespread throughout the Mediterranean. Widespread on Crete.

Flowering time:- Mar-May, and sporadically at other times.

Photo by:- Steve Lenton