Common Names:- Rocket, rognette.
Homotypic Synonyms:-
Meaning:- Eruca (L) Belch.
Vesicaria (L) Bladder-like.
General description:- A short to tall foetid, bristly annual.
1) 20-50 cm tall, glabrous or hispidulous towards base.
1) Basal, usually lyrate-pinnatisect or pinnatifid.
1) Radially symmetrical, white,pale yellow or pale lilac, with violet veins, from 18 to
30 mm in diam., joined together in long racemes.
2) Petals 15-24 mm, long-clawed, pale yellow or cream, veined brownish-purple.
3) Stigma deeply 2-lobed.
4) Corolla with 4 free petals from 15 to 20mm length.
5) Calyx with 4 erect sepals, often with purple marks.
1) Siliquae suberect, 15-30 x 2-4 mm, oblong to narrowly ellipsoid, somewhat
compressed, with a lanceolate beak; valves 1-veined.
2) Seeds in 2 rows.
Habitat:- Sandy coastal habitats, fallow fields, open dry shrubby vegetation,
roadsides and waste-ground. 0-400(-1000) m.
Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean. Widespread
and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- (Feb-)Mar-May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton