Common Name:- None
Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Carlina (L) For Charlemagne (742-814) Emperor of Rome (whose army
was supposed to have been cured of the plague with a species of Carlina, which the
Archangel had revealed to him).
Curetum. Unknown.
General description:- Rigid perennial with one to several erect usually
corymbosely branched above; whole plant subglabrous or sparsely arachnoid-
1) 20-70 cm tall.
1) Ovate-lanceolate, ± amplexicaul, pinnatifid. deeply divided with narrow lobes
tapering into long spines.
1) Capitula solitary on short branches.
2) Involucre broadly campanulate, l8-28 mm in diam.
3) Outer phyllaries spinose-dentate.
4) Inner resembling ligules, 10-16 mm, straw-coloured to brownish-yellow, shiny.
5) Florets yellow.
1) Achenes c. 2.5 mm.
2) Pappus of long plumose hairs.
Key features:-
1) Capitula mostly pedunculate, in a ± corymbose inflorescence.
2) Middle cauline internodes 12-15 mm.
3) Upper leaves widest at base, amplexicaul.
4) Leaves and outer involucral bracts deeply and remotely spinose-pinnatisect, with
the margin between the principal spines usually ± entire.
Habitat:- Rocky and gravelly coastal habitats, grassland, open dry shrubby
vegetation, roadsides, fallow fields, open woodland. 0-2000 m.
Distribution:- Endemic to the three main massifs of Crete.
Flowering time:- Apr-Aug.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton