Common Name:- Southern bitter-cress
Homotypic Synonyms:- Pteroneurum graecum.
Meaning:- Cardamine (Gr) A name used by the Greek physician and botanist
Dioscorides for cress.
Graeca (L) Greek, from Greece.
General description:- Glabrous or hairy, annual or biennial plant.
1) (2.5-)5-35 cm, ascending to sub erect.
1) Pinnate.
2) Lower, with 4 or 5 pairs of cuneate-obovate leaflets, each with 3 or more obtuse
3) Upper cauline, with 2 or 3 pairs of 3-lobed or entire, lanceolate leaflets.
4) Petioles auriculate at the base.
1) Sepals obtuse.
2) Petals (3-)4-6 mm, white.
3) Style 4-8 mm, winged.
1) Siliqua, 35-50 x (2·5-)3-4 mm, glabrous, papillose or setose, somewhat secund.
2) Seeds on a broad funicle.
Key features:-
1) Sepals obtuse.
2) Funicle of seeds broad, flattened.
Habitat:- Rocky slopes and screes, generally in semi-shade. 0-1100 m.
(occasionally to 1400 m.).
Distribution:- Throughout Greece except many of the Aegean islands. -
Mediterranean region (except Iberian Peninsula) Anatolia to Caucasia and N Iran.
Somewhat limited distribution on Crete, mainly around the four massifs.
Flowering time:- Mar-May
Photos by:- Steve Lenton