Common Name:- Shepherd's purse
Homotypic Synonyms:- Bursa bursa-pastoris, Nasturtium bursa-pastoris,
Rodschiedia bursa-pastoris, Thlaspi bursa-pastoris, Thlaspi bursa-pastoris
subsp. pinnatifolia.
Meaning:- Capsella (L) Little-case (the fruit).
Bursa (Gr) Leathery, pouch, purse.
Pastoris (L) Growing in pastures, of shepherds.
General description:- Annual or biennial plants with a slender taproot.
1) One to several 5 - 35(-50) cm. Erect to ascending,sparsely hairy, especially
below, or glabrous.
1) Basal, entire or pinnately-Iobed, rarely entire.
2) Cauline, sagittate- smplexicaul.
1) Scentless.
2) Sepals, green, sometimes reddish or purplish, often pubescent;
3) Petals, 2-3 mm, shortly clawed, 1½-2 times as long as the sepals, white (rarely
4) Filements without appendages. Median nectaries present.
1) Silicula 4-10 x 4-9 mm, usually longer than wide, scarcely attenuate at the base;
lateral margins usually straight or convex; apical lobes usually subacute.
2) Seeds up to 12 in each loculus.
Key features:-
1) Petals 2-3 mm (rarely absent).
Habitat:- Cultivated and fallow fields, roadsides, wasteground. 01100(-1900) m.
Mainly Feb-June.
Distribution:- Widespread across the Mediterranean. Widespread and common on
Flowering time:- Mainly Feb-June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton