Common Name:- Sea rocket, European Sea rocket
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Cakile From an Arabic name.
Maritima (L) Growing by the sea.
General description:- Glabrous annual or biennial, slightly succulent, moderately
1) 15-60 cm, usually decumbent.
1) Lower, pinnate to pinnatifid.
2) Upper smaller and subentire.
1) Racemes, ebracteate, much elongating in fruit.
2) Petals, 5-12 mm, pale lilac-purple or mauve.
3) Fruiting pedicels, 2-5 mm, erecto-patent, thickened.
1) Mature fruit 8-25 x 3-7 mm, transversely septate into 2 unequal, 1-seeded
segments, spongy, indehiscent, the upper with a flattened beak and often 2
lateral homs near apex.
Key features:-
1) Leaves subentire to pinnatisect, the primary divisions rarely more than 6 times as
long as wide.
2) Lower segment of silicula flat at the apex (when viewed in the plane of the
projections); projections less than 0·5 mm, sometimes obscure.
Habitat:- Sandy seashores and shingle beaches, rarely in ruderal habitats some
distance inland. 0-100 m.
Distribution:- Common around the Mediterranean coastal areas. Widespread and
common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mar-Sept, occasionally later.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton