Common Name:- Rosy orache
Synonyms:- Chenopodium roseum, Obione rosea, Schizotheca rosea,
Teutliopsis rosea.
Meaning:- Atriplex (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, from the ancient Greek meaning black and intertwined.
Rosea (L) Rose-like, rose coloured.
General description:- Erect, divaricately branched, densely grey-farinose annual.
a) 30-100 cm.
b) and branches almost circular in cross section (subterete).
c) smooth, leafy, becoming stiff.
d) straw-coloured (stramineous).
a) 1-4(-6) x 0.5-3 cm.
b) Alternate.
c) ovate to triangular-ovate or rhombic-deltoid, with rather uneven deep rounded
wavy undulations (sinuate)-dentate or lobed, wedge-shaped (cuneate) at the
base, acute.
d) greyish-green to white beneath.
e) thick-fleshy.
f) stalk (petiole) absent or short, 2-10 mm.
1) Inflorescence:
a) 20-50 cm.
b) branched.
2) Flowers:
a) clustered in the axils of small bracts or arranged in lax, ebracteate spikes.
3) Perianth segments:
a) male flowers 5, c. 0.6 x 0.4 mm, oblong, downy (lanuginose) without.
4) Stamens:
a) 5.
b) filaments hairless (glabrous), c. 0.8 mm.
c) anthers yellow.
5) Bracteoles:
a) c. 2 x 2.2 mm.
b) gradually narrowing (attenuate) and united (connate) at the base.
c) broadly triangular to rhombic-deltoid.
d) hardening (indurate) and increasing in size (accrescent) to 6-12 mm in fruit.
e) dentate, dorsally wrinkled with small, wart-like projections (rugose-
tuberculate) and conspicuously veined.
f) rose-pink to whitish.
1) Seed:
a) 1.5-2 mm diam.
b) vertical, strongly compressed, suborbicular.
c) testa brown, pitted.
Key features:-
1) Flowers in axillary cymes.
2) Bracteoles 6-12 mm attenuate and connate at the base. Accrescent to 6-12 mm
in fruit.
3) Densely grey-farinose.
Habitat:- Silt, sand and shingle by the sea, occasionally roadsides, olive groves
and wasteground. 0-400 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece mostly coastal. Widespread in the
Mediterranean region, C Europe and temperate Asia; naturalised elsewhere. Limited
distribution on Crete, mainly around the northern coastal areas.
Flowering time:- May-Oct
Photos by:- An Other