Common Name:- Orache
Synonyms:- Chenopodium hortense.
Meaning:- Atriplex (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, from the ancient Greek meaning black and intertwined.
Hortensis (L) Cultivated, of the garden.
General description:- Erect annual.
a) Up to 150 cm.
a) more than 10 cm, long.
b) heart-shaped- or with two ± triangular lobes pointed outwards (hastate-
triangular), subdentate to almost entire.
c) often reddish-purple.
d) seemingly slightly covered with powder (farinose).
e) becoming ± hairless (glabrous).
1) Inflorescence:
a) terminal or axillary.
b) spike-like (spicate).
c) female flowers with two different shapes or forms (dimorphic).
2) Bracteoles:
a) orbicular-cordate to elliptic, 5-15 mm, acute, membranous, entire,
conspicuously veined.
1) Seeds:
a) 1.5-13 mm, diam.
b) horizontal and vertical.
c) suborbicular.
Key features:-
1) Female flowers dimorphic.
2) Bracteoles orbicular-cordate.
3) Seeds horizontal and vertical.
Habitat:- Arable land and ruderal habitats. 0-400 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. Native to C Asia, cultivated and
naturalised in C & S Europe. Rare on Crete currently known from only one location.
Flowering time:- June-Oct
Photos by:- An Other