Common Name:- Monk's hood, Friar's cowl
Synomyns:- This species has 7 Homotypic synonyms Click here
Meaning:- Arisarum (Gr) A name used by the Greek physician Dioscorides.
Vulgare (L) Vulgar, common.
General description:- Small tuberous-rooted, hairless perennial, usually patch-
a) 6-12 x 4-10 cm.
b) ovate or with two ± triangular lobes pointed outwards to arrowhead-shaped
(hastate-sagittate), blunt (obtuse) or shortly ending abruptly in a sharp
point (mucronate), heart-shaped (cordate) at base.
c) stalk (petiole), long and slender.
d) purple-spotted.
a) approx 45cm long.
b) long-stalked, held among or above the leaves.
c) hooded above, tubular below (spathe).
d) central spike (spadix) greenish, slightly protruding from the mouth of the
spathe green to chocolate-brown, often striped in the lower half and speckled.
e) female flowers 4-5.
1) Berries:
a) greenish.
2) Seeds:
a) 2-6.
Key features:-
1) Spathe acute to mucronate.
2) Appendix of spadix greenish, with cylindrical, club-shaped (clavate) or globular
Habitat:- Shaded or semi-shaded habitats, rocky places, scrub, banks, open
woodland. 0-1200 m.
Distribution:- Widespread in the Mediterranean region and Atlantic Islands.
Very widespread and common across Crete.
Flowering time:- (Oct)Dec-Apr.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton