Common Names:- Waterleaf.
Synonyms:- Euxolus viridis, Glomeraria viridis, Pyxidium viride.
Meaning:- Amaranthus (Gr) Unfading, reference to the everlasting flowers.
Viridis (L) Youthful, fresh-green.
General description:- Erect annual.
a) up to 70 cm.
b) procumbent to erect.
c) hairless (glabrous) or slightly hairy above.
d) with long branches from the base.
a) 3-8 x 2-5 cm.
b) ovate-rhombic, somewhat notched at the apex (emarginate), ending abruptly in
a very short, stiff straight point (mucronulate).
c) long-stalked (petiolate), usually longer than the blade.
d) with a fine wavy margin (undulate).
e) prominently white-veined beneath.
1) Terminal inflorescence:
a) a long, thin ± flexuous, leafless pseudo-spike or panicle.
2) Bracteoles:
a) c. 1 mm.
b) shorter than the perianth.
c) ovate, narrowing gradually to a point (acuminate), membranous.
3) Perianth segments:
a) 3, 1-1.5 mm.
b) weakly spatulate, usually acuminate.
c) whitish with a green midvein.
1) Capsule:
a) when, rounded to pear-shaped (pyriform), slightly beaked.
b) strongly wrinkled and folded.
c) not splitting open to release their seeds (indehiscent).
2) Seed:
a) completely filling the fruit cavity.
Key features:-
1) Fruit strongly muricate, subglobose.
2) Stems sometimes puberulent above.
Habitat:- Roadsides, olive groves, wasteground and trampled areas. 0-400(-800) m.
Distribution:- Coastal areas throughout Greece. Probably native to South America,
widely naturalised elsewhere. Fairly common and widespread around the coastal
areas of Crete.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- An Other