Common Names:- Common amaranth, pigweed
Synonyms:- Amaranthus retroflexus var. genuinus, Galliaria retroflexa,
Pyxidium retroflexum.
Meaning:- Amaranthus (Gr) Unfading, reference to the everlasting flowers.
Retroflexus (L) Turned backwards or downwards.
General description:- Erect annual.
a) 15-100 cm.
b) simple or branched, slightly angular or with parallel longitudinal grooves
(striate) in the basal part.
c) densely downy (pubescent) to softly hairy (pilose), especially at the base of
the inflorescence.
a) 3-7x2-4 cm.
b) long-stalked (petiolate).
c) rhombic-ovate, with a somewhat wavy margin (undulate).
d) almost hairless (glabrous).
1) Inflorescence:
a) usually whitish-green.
b) composed of ascending-erect to slightly incurved, dense flowered, usually
short and thick branches, crowded towards the apex, the terminal not much
longer than the laterals.
2) Bracteoles:
a) rigid and spiny-tipped, 3-6 mm.
b) usually twice as long as the perianth, with paper-like (scarious) margins.
3) Perianth segments:
a) 5, mostly scarious.
b) c. 3 mm.
c) linear-wedge-shaped (cuneate) to spathulate, terminating in a rounded end
(retuse), with the mid-rib ending shortly below the stiff straight pointed
(mucronulate) apex.
1) Capsule:
a) equalling or shorter than the perianth.
b) rugulose above splitting transversely.
Key features:-
1) Stems at the base of the flowering region densely pubescent.
2) Branches of the inflorescence usually short and ascending-erect.
Habitat:- Fields, gardens, olive groves, riverbanks, etc. 0-800(-1300) m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece. Native to North America, widely naturalised
elsewhere. Fairly common and widespread on Crete.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- An Other