Common Names:- Green amaranth
Synonyms:- Amaranthus chlorostachys var. powellii, Amaranthus hybridus
subsp. powellii, Amaranthus hypochondriacus var. powelli, Amaranthus
retroflexus var. powellii.
Meaning:- Amaranthus (Gr) Unfading, reference to the everlasting flowers.
Powellii (L) Perhaps for Thomas Powell (1809-1897) missionary in
General description:- Erect annual.
a) (30-)100-200 cm.
b) erect or ascending, stout,
c) sparsely to densely hairy (pubescent) above.
d) often reddish-tinged.
a) 3-8 cm.
b) oblong-petiolate.
c) blade with prominent whitish veins beneath..
1) Inflorescences:
a) flowers in a terminal, erect dense, narrow, spike, 20-40 cm long, with some
shorter lateral spikes at the base.
2) Bracteoles:
a) (2-)3-4 mm.
b) ovate, with a very long sharp point (mucro), 1.5-2 times as long as the
3) Perianth-segments:
a) 5, 1·5-2(-2·4) mm.
b) narrowly ovate, usually acute, about as long as the fruit.
4) Stamens 5.
1) Capsule:
a) splitting open to release the seeds (dehiscing) transversely.
2) Seeds a dark reddish brown.
Key features:-
1) Bracteoles 1.5-2 times as long as the perianth, distinctly exceeding the style
2) Inflorescence green.
3) Longest bracteoles 4-6 mm, c. 2 times as long as the perianth.
4) Terminal inflorescence stiffly erect and distinctly longer than the lateral, erect
inflorescence branches.
Habitat:- Cultivated fields, especially among irrigated crops, roadsides,
wasteground. 0-1100 m.
Distribution:- Scattered on the Greek mainland. Native of W North and South
America. Introduced as a ruderal weed in many areas. Rare on Crete currently
known from only two locations in the Lasithi area.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton