Common Name:- Prince's feather.
Synonyms:- Amaranthus hybridus f. hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus
var. hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus subsp. hypochondriacus.
Meaning:- Amaranthus (Gr) Unfading, reference to the everlasting flowers.
Hypochondriacus (Gr) Sombre, melancholy.
General description:- Erect annual, usually reddish or purplish throughout.
a) 30-150 cm.
b) stout, branched, erect or ascending.
c) sparsely pubescent to almost glabrous (pubescent) above.
d) often reddish-tinged.
a) 3-15 x 2-8 cm.
b) long petiolate.
c) broadly lanceolate to rhombic-ovate.
1) Inflorescence:
a) elongate-spicate, often compound, with long branches, terminal.
b) panicle variously coloured.
c) mostly erect, with up to 20 mm thick branches.
2) Bracteoles:
a) 2.5-4(-5) mm.
b) c. 1.5 times as long as the perianth.
3) Perianth-segments:
a) 5, 2-3 mm.
1) Capsule:
a) 2-2.5 mm.
b) usually longer than the perianth.
c) splitting open to release the seeds (dehiscing) transversely.
2) Seed:
a) c. 1 mm.
b) black or pale.
Key features:-
1) Panicle, mostly erect, with up to 20 mm thick branches.
2) Bracteoles 1.5 times as long as the perianth.
Habitat:- Fallow fields, ruderal habitats. 0-400 m.
Distribution:- Very scattered throughout Greece. Probably originated in
domestication in north America as a grain crop. Limited distribution on Crete.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- An Other