Common Name:- Southern amaranth, Tumbleweed.
Synonyms:- Amaranthus angustifolius.
Meaning:- Amaranthus (Gr) Unfading, reference to the everlasting flowers.
Graecizans (L) Becoming widespread.
General description:- Procumbent, spreading annual.
a) up to 70 cm.
b) usually erect and hairless (glabrous).
a) 2-4 cm.
b) ovate or elliptic-rhombic, usually acute.
1) Inflorescence:
a) of axillary cymose clusters.
2) Bracteoles:
a) 3/5-3/4 as long as the perianth.
b) ovate, ending abruptly in a very short, straight point (mucronulate).
3) Perianth-segments:
a) 3, 1·3-2 mm.
b) ovate-lanceolate, acute.
1) Capsule:
a) longer than the perianth.
b) somewhat rough with short hard pointed protrubrances (muricate).
c) splitting open to release the seeds (dehiscing) transversely.
d) with green, longitudinal veins when young.
Key features:-
1) Bracteoles not longer than the perianth, not with small spines (spinose).
Habitat:- Naturalised on cultivated and waste ground, roadsides.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece, probably native to the Mediterranean
region and SW Asia Widespread on Crete but local. Possibly introduced.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton