Common Names:- Large-fruited amaranth
Synonyms:- Albersia deflexa, Euxolus deflexus, Glomeraria deflexa.
Meaning:- Amaranthus (Gr) Unfading, reference to the everlasting flowers.
Deflexus (L) Bent sharpely backwards, deflexed.
General description:- Short-lived decumbent perennial.
a) up to 40 cm.
b) usually slender, much-branched.
c) densely puberulent in the upper part.
a) 3-5 cm.
b) rhombic-ovate, obtuse.
c) margin finely undulate.
1) Inflorescence:
a) usually dense.
b) terminal, spicate, becoming interrupted and leafy towards the base.
2) Bracteoles:
a) 1/3-1/2 as long as the perianth.
b) ovate, wide at the base, ending abruptly in a sharp point (mucronate).
3) Perianth-segments:
a) 2 or 3.
b)1·2-1·5 mm.
c) linear to oblong-spathulate.
1) Capsule.
a) 2·5-3 mm.
b) oblong-ovate.
c) inflated-membranous, smooth, with 3 dull green, longitudinal veins.
d) not dehiscing transversely.
2) Seeds:
a) much smaller than the fruit.
Key features:-
1) Fruit indehiscent or dehiscing irregularly inflated.
2) Leaves obuse.
3) Stems puberulent above.
4) Bracteoles much shorter than the perianth segments.
Habitat:- Roadsides, wasteground, trampled areas, coastal habitats. 0600(-1000)
Distribution:- Throughout Greece. Native to temperate South America, now almost
a cosmopolitan weed, naturalised in the Mediterranean area since the early 19th
century. Limited distribution on Crete mainly around coastal areas.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- An Other