Common Names:- Greater periwinkle
Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Vinca (L) A name used by the Roman philosopher Pliny, derived from
the Latin vinculum, to overcome.
Major (L) Larger, greater, bigger.
General description:- Short to medium, spreading, evergreen subshrub, with long
arching or trailing stems, often rooting down at the tip.
a) Up to 100 cm.
b) ascending in the lower part, then arching or procumbent.
a) 2·5-9 x 2-6 cm.
b) opposite, mostly ovate or broadly ovate (rarely lanceolate).
c) margins fringed with hairs (ciliate) of 0·1-1 mm.
d) shiny bright green, evergreen.
1) Flowering stems (pedicels):
a) up to 30 cm.
b) shorter than the subtending leaves.
2) Calyx-lobes:
a) 7-17 mm.
b) very narrowly triangular, the margins densely ciliate with hairs 0·5-1 mm.
3) Corolla-tube:
a) 12-15 mm.
b) limb 30-50 mm diam.
c) lobes obliquely truncate.
d) usually bluish-purple.
1) Seeds:
a) hairless (glabrous).
Key features:-
1) Leaves up to 9 x 6 cm.
2) Flowering stems up to 30 cm.
3) Hairs of calyx 0·5-1 mm.
Habitat:- Mostly in and around villages, in damp, shady, ruderalized habitats,
0-1100 m.
Distribution:-Throughout Greece, but scarcely native. - Probably originating in the
W & C Mediterranean region, widely cultivated as an ornamental and naturalized in
many areas. Fairly widespread but scarce on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mid-March to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton