Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE/Sect. VICIA

Common Name:- Slender-leaved vetch

Homotypic Synonyms:- Vicia megalosperma

Meaning:- Vicia (L) Binder, to bind, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny for vetch.
                 Peregrina (L) Strange, foreign, exotic.
General description:- Sparsely hairy annual.

1) 20-40 cm, sparingly branched from the base, sparsely and shortly appressed-
     pubescent throughout.

1) Leaflets, 3-7 pairs, 8-30 x 0·5-2(-3) mm, linear, truncate and apiculate, tendril
    simple or branched.
2) Stipules, small, semi-hastate, dark.

1) Solitary or 2 together, in the upper leaf axils.
2) Pedicels, 4-10 mm.
3) Calyx, campanulate, slightly gibbous:
    a) teeth, unequal, the longest somewhat exceeding the tube.
4) Corolla 12-20 mm, usually dark bluish-purple;
    a) standard limb, twice as long as the claw.

1) Legume, 20-35 x 5-10 mm, brown, oblong-elliptical, strongly compressed,
    tapering to a short beak, appressed-puberulent.
2) Seeds, 4-6; hilum 1/12-1/10 of the circumference, subglobose, smooth.

Key features:-
1) Standard, and wings purple.
2) Leaflets, not more than 3 mm wide, linear, usually with 3 acute points at the

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Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, field margins, olive groves, open woodland
and some-what ruderalised habitats. 0-1100 m. generally over limestone.

Distribution:- Throughout Greece, but less common in the west. - Widespread in
the Mediterranean region and Atlantic Islands, through Anatolia to c Asia. Sparsely
scattered across Crete not to common.

Flowering time:-  Mar-June.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton
Family and Genus:- See-

Homotypic Synonyms:-

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