Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Ervum cuspidatum.
Meaning:- Vicia (L) Binder, to bind, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny for vetch.
Cuspidata (L) Abruptly narrowed into a short rigid point.
General description:- Pubescent annual.
1) Up to 20 cm.
1) Leaflets, 2-6 pairs, 4-14(-20) x 0·5-4 mm, obovate-elliptical to linear, those of the
upper leaves, acuminate, long-mucronate, tendrils simple.
2) Stipules, entire, not maculated.
1) Solitary.
2) Calyx-teeth, equal, about as long as tube.
3) Corolla, 10-14 mm, pale pink.
1) Legume, 30-40 x 4-5 mm, with a long straight beak.
Key features:-
1) Legume. 30-40 x 4-5 mm, with a long straight beak.
2) Leaflets, of the upper leaves long-mucronate.
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, dry grassland, fallow terraced fields, open
coniferous woodland. 0-700(-1200) m.
Distribution:- An E Mediterranean element, occurring from Greece through Anatolia
to Palestine and NW Iran. Rare on Crete, known from only a few scattered
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton