Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE/Subgen. LOTOIDES/Sect.

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Chrysaspis boissieri, Trlfolium speciosum

Meaning:- Trifolium (L) With three leaflets.
                  Boissieri (L) For Pierre Edmond Boissier
General description:- Slender, suberect annual.

1) 10-30 cm tall, single or sparingly branched from the base, sparsely pilose to

1) Leaflets, 10-18(-24) mm, oblong-elliptical, glabrous or hairy, the terminal
    distinctly petiolulate, shallowly dentate in the upper half. 
2) Stipules, broadly lanceolate, free part rather short, triangular.

1) Heads, several, 15-25 flowered, subglobose, c. l5 mm in diam; lax.
2) Peduncles, shorter than or equalling the leaves.
3) Pedicels, 1-2 mm, longer than the upper limb of the calyx-tube.
4) Calyx tube, 5-veined, glabrous.
5) Calyx-teeth, very unequal.
    a) upper, equalling or shorter than the upper limb of the calyx-tube.
    b) lower, 2-3 times longer than the upper.
6) Corolla 6-9 mm, yellow, persistent and fading brownish, slightly keeled.
    a) standard, narrower, more or less folded longitudinally over the legume

1) Legume, stalked, slightly exceeding the calyx. 1(-2)-seeded.

Key features:-
1) Corolla, (5-)6-10 mm.
2) Legume, scarcely exceeding the style
3) Peduncles, shorter than or equalling the leaves.
4) Pedicels, 1-2 mm, longer than the upper limb of the calyx-tube.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, scrubland vegetation , open coniferous
woodland, olive groves, gravelly road verges, 0-600(-1000) m.

Distribution:- Few records from W Greece. - An E Mediterranean species, also in
Cyprus, scattered in W, S & SE Anatolia, extending io Syria and Iraq. Fairly well
scattered across Crete, but more-so in the east and north-west.

Flowering time:- Late March to early June

Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jagel