Common Names:- Southern chickweed
Synonyms:- Stellaria media ssp. cupaniana, Stellaria media var. postii.
Meaning:- Stellaria (L) With spreading rays, star-like.
Cupaniana (L) For the Italian monk Francesco Cupani (1657-1711),
botanist and author of works on Sicilian plants.
General description:- Annual.
2) Petals, 5 white variable in length; shorter than the sepals and deeply bifid nearly
to their base,appearing to be with10 narrow petals.
Key features:-
1) Stems hairy all round.
2) Sepals usually more than 3 mm.
3) Seeds usually more than 0·8 mm, dark reddish-brown.
4) Petals present (rarely minute or absent).
Habitat:- Damp meadows, streambeds, open woods, orchards, wasteground. 0-
1700 m.
Distribution:- Widespread throughout the C & E Mediterranean region. Widespread
and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mainly Mar-May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton