Common Names:- Hairy woundwort
Homotypic Synonyms:- Galeopsis hirsuta, Sideritis ocymastrum, Stachys
hirta, Tetrahitum hirtum.
Meaning:- Stachys (Gr) Spike-like.
Ocymastrum (L) Somewhat resembling Ocimum A name used by the
Greek philosopher Theophrastus for an aromatic plant.
General description:- Erect, hirsute annual.
1) 15-40 cm tall, sparsely pilose throughout.
1) 10-50 x 7-40 mm,10-50 × 7-40 mm, oblong-ovate to broadly ovate, obtuse,
slightly cordate at the base, crenate-serrate, hirsute.
2) Cauline, similar but short-petiolate to subsessile.
3) Lower, long-petiolate.
1) In several, 4-6-flowered verticillasters, confluent above.
2) Calyx, c. 8 mm, campanulate;
a) teeth, equalling the tube, triangular, acuminate.
3) Corolla, 12-20 mm, distinctly exceeding calyx;
a) upper lip, whitish.
b) lower, whitish in the basal half with small purple dots, yellow in the apical half.
1) Nutlets, 4, 1-seeded.
Key features:-
1) Corolla, 12-20 mm, distinctly exceeding calyx.
2) Calyx teeth, equalling the tube.
Habitat:- Olive groves, field margins, seasonally wet spots in open dry shrubby
vegetation. 0-300m.
Distribution:- A South-West Europe plant reaching as far as Italy. A rare plant on
Crete confined a couple of locations in the west.
Flowering time:- Apr- May.
Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis