Common Names:- Autumn lady's tresses
Homotypic Synonyms:- Epipactis spiralis, Gyrostachys spiralis, Ibidium
spirale, Neottia spiralis, Ophrys spiralis, Serapias spiralis.
Meaning:- Spiranthes (Gr) Twisted, reference to the inflorescence.
Spiralis (L) Twisted, spiral.
General description:- Low to short, tuberous perennial.
1) 6-20(-35) cm, bearing 3-7 closely appressed, lanceolate, scale-leaves; stickily-
hairy. Upper part of the stem and inflorescence axis densely and shortly patent-
1) Mostly in a basal rosette, to one side of the flower-spike and often withered by
flowering time, oval-elliptical.
2) Cauline, scale-like, imbricate.
1) Spike, 3-10 cm, slender, with 6-20 flowers in one spiral row. Flowers white to
pale yellowish-green.
2) Bracts, 6-7 mm, acuminate.
3) Perianth-segments, 6-7 mm, oblong, white, the upper 3 distally connivent and
forming with the labellum a tube enclosing the column.
a) outer lateral segments, patent.
4) Labellum, 6-7 mm, with upwardly curved margins and undulate-crenulate apex,
5) Spur, absent.
Key features:-
1) Cauline leaves reduced to scales.
Habitat:- Dry grassy places, meadows, heaths, dry open shrubby vegetation, pine
woodland, generally on calcareous soils. 0-800 m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece, widespread in Europe, scattered through
Anatolia to Caucasus and N Iran. Rare and scattered on Crete, but perhaps under
Flowering time:- Sept-Nov.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton