Common Names:- None
Synonyms:- Laurentia michelii, Lobelia gracilis, Lobelia laurentia, Lobelia
michelii, Rapuntium laurentia.
Meaning:- Solenopsis (Gr) Tube-like.
Laurentia (L) For M. A. Laurenti, seventeenth-century Italian botanist.
General description:- Delicate annual.
a) 3-15 cm.
b) several, slender, erect.
c) with small, alternate leaves.
a) most in a basal rosette.
b) spathulate-obianceoiate.
c) margins, entire or with slightly rounded teeth (crenate).
d) thin, subglabrous, light green.
a) solitary and terminal.
1) Calyx:
a) 3-5 mm.
b) with linear-lanceolate lobes.
2) Corolla:
a) 3.5-6 mm.
b) zygomorphic.
c) upper lip, 2-fid and much larger, broad.
d) lower lip, 3-lobed.
e) throat papillose, yellowish.
f) sky-blue with a large whitish area at the base of the lower lip.
1) Capsule.
a) 2-3 mm.
Key features:-
1) Stem with small, alternate leaves.
Habitat:- Damp habitats, marshes, woods and springs. (0 - 700 m.).
Distribution:- Scattered in the Mediterranean region and Canary Islands. On Crete
known only from the extreme northwest and Elafonisos. Very rare.
Flowering time:- Apr-June
Photo by:- Dr. Armin Jagel