Common Names:- Mediterranean stonecrop
Synonyms:- Sedum altissimum, Sedum nicaeensis.
Meaning:- Sedum (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, reference to the plants habit of ''sitting'' on rocks etc.
Sediforme (L) With the habit of a stonecrop.
General description:- Robust, hairless (glabrous), somewhat covered with a waxy
bloom short to medium perennial.
1) Ascending flowering stems 25-60 cm and shorter non-flowering shoots, both
woody at the base.
1) Greyish-green, oblong or narrowly ellipsoidal, thick but somewhat flattened on
the upper surface, usually apiculate shortly spurred, suberect closely imbricate
in spiral rows on the non-flowering shoots.
1) Inflorescence without bracts, erect and subglobose in bud, with strongly recurved
branches, concave in fruit.
2) Flowers 5- to 8-merous, on very short pedicels.
3) Sepals c. 2·5 mm, ovate, obtuse or mucronate, glabrous.
4) Petals 5-8 mm, patent, greenish-white or straw-coloured.
5) Stamens 10-16.
1) Follicles erect, pale yellow or greenish-white.
Key features:-
1) Living leaves on non-flowering shoots not confined to a terminal cluster; dead
leaves mostly not persistent.
2) Petals spreading (patent), greenish-white to very pale yellow.
3) Sepals 2·5 mm, glabrous.
Habitat:- Rocky habitats on various substrates, sometimes ruderal on stone walls
of old buildings, often in the sublittoral zone, but also inland, occasionally to 900 m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece. Mediterranean region from Portugal to Lebanon.
Limited distribution on Crete, mainly around coastal areas.
Flowering time:- May-June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton