Common Names:- Broad-leaved stonecrop
Synonyms:- Aithales cespitosa, Crassula cespitosa, Crassula cespitosa,
Procrassula magnolii, Sedum rubens subsp. cespitosum.
Meaning:- Sedum (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, reference to the plants habit of ''sitting'' on rocks etc.
Cespitosum (L) Growing in tufts, matted, tussock-forming.
General description:- Low erect usually reddish annual, hairless and often sticky
with glands above.
1) 2-5 cm, erect.
1) Alternate, imbricate, smooth and usually subterete, ovoid, 3-6 mm.long, greyish
but often flushed with red.
1) 4- or 5-merous, sessile, in short cymes.
2) Petals, 3 mm, mucronate, white tinged with pink.
3) Stamens 4 or 5.
1) Follicles, patent, glabrous.
Key features:-
1) Leaves ovoid, imbricate.
Habitat:- Rocky and gravelly, seasonally wet places in open dry shrubby
vegetation, open coniferous woodland, roadsides, olive groves etc., on various
substrates. 0-1400 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. Widespread and common throughout
the Mediterranean. Limited distribution on Crete mainly central south and the Dikti
mountains. Rare.
Flowering time:- Apr-May.
Photos by:- Zacharias Angourakis