Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Scutellaria (L) Dish, reference to the fruiting calyx.
Hirta (L) Velvety, softly-hairy.
General description:- Plant covered with velvety down.
1) 3-10(-20) cm, ascending, branched from a woody base, brittle.
1) Blade, 1-2 cm, triangular-ovate, truncate at base, crenate-serrate, obtuse.
1) Inflorescence, dense (intemodes c. 5 mm), secund.
2) Bracts, equalling the calyx, ovate-elliptical, subentire, green.
3) Calyx, c. 5 mm, patent-pilose, purplish.
4) Corolla, 10-13 mm;
a) tube, and lower lip usually cream.
b) upper lip, pale pinkish-purple.
Key features:-
1) Leaves, 1-2 cm. densely pubescent.
2) Bracts, not exceeding the calyx.
3) Corolla, creamy pinkish-purple.
4) Inflorescence, dense, intemodes 2-6 mm.
Habitat:- Crevices and ledges of limestone cliffs, thorncushion vegetation, open
woodland of Acer sempervirens and Berberis cretica, screes. (500-)1200-2100(-
2400) m.
Distribution:- Cretan endemic. Confined to the four main massifs, where it is
locally common.
Flowering time:- Mid-May to early Aug.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton