Common Names:- Shrubby knapweed, Shrubby Ptilostemon.
Synonyms:- Serratula chamaepeuce.
Meaning:- Ptilostemon (Gr) Feathery-stamened-one.
Chamaepeuce (Gr) Ground-fir.
General description:- Spineless evergreen shrub
1) 30-100 cm. Flowering branches tomentose, occasionally glabrescent, with leaves
as long as those on the main stem.
1) Alternate, narrowly linear, acute, densely white-tomentose beneath, the margin
conspicuously revolute.
1) Capitula. usually few, in corymbs, rarely solitary.
2) Involucre. 14-18(-22) x 13-20(-23) mm.
3) Bracts. lanceolate-triangular, with inconspicuous vittae, appressed to arcuate-
deflexed, or the apex erecto-patent.
4) Outer bracts. shortly deflexed, unarmed or with spines less than 1 mm.
5) Corolla 20-25 mm.
1) Achenes 3·5-5 mm.
2) Pappus 14-17 mm. with feathery hairs.
Key features:-
1) Leaves narrowly linear, without spines.
2) Involucral bracts appressed or with short patent to deflexed apex, unarmed to
weakly spinescent.
3) Leaves on flowering branches not expanded or laciniate at the base, with an
acute apex.
Habitat:- Crevices of limestone cliffs, rocky slopes on ridges in open dry shrubby
vegetation and open coniferous woodland, sometimes on road embankments. 0-600
(-900) m.
Distribution:- Greece, Crete and the E Mediterranean, including Cyprus. Fairly
widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early July.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton